Hi. Ok, I'll start the new year off. Late last year I was given eight mandolins, a Ukulele, a banjo Uke, and various necks and fittings. There’s a longish story about this stash of Mandolins told to me by the builder’s son. His father built most of them, he's since passed on, The builder lived about a four-hour drive from me.

Now, where can I store them??????...... One I repaired for the customer, one was given to my son as a project, and the rest I hung on the office/showroom wall. Good as a conversation piece.

The fiddles were gifted at different times too.

Cheers Taff

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G'day Taffy and HNY

That is a very cool wall display.  My wall displays various shameful building failures such as underbraced, collapsed and replaced tops and my first hilarious attempt at a hand-rubbed sunburst finish. 


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