While gluing up my face brace on a mahog top I tried to fill in a hard to clamp spot by laying a band of wood across 2 braces and clamping in from the sides I did this on the 2nd clamp I heard that blood curdling scream/crack from the top.Yep! Cracked perfecectly though not allthe way,thanks to soundhole reinforcement.Would you use it or toss it? I'm gonna try it anyway. Would you?

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Where exactly is the crack?

Vertical from the top of the soundhole down one side past the soundhole.I already did the superglue and squeezed it back together.Looks like it won't be a big deal.The mahogany seems to have forgiven me.
Use supper glue and wick or fill the crack full of glue and when it is set up do it again until it is filled. Use tape on each sides so you don't have so much to clean up

Thanks Ron,done it already but that was one of the answers I was hoping to get!


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