I found my slots too narrow for the fret tangs...was banging too hard on them to drive 'em in. So I chucked in a dental bit into the dremel that was slightly larger than the slot width, yet still narrower than the fret tang. It was nerve-wracking to turn on the dremel and then insert it carefully into the fret slots and run it along the channel, widening the slot. I didn't widen the entire slot. I left small parts of the slot alone and that seemed to work best for allowing the fret to seat while still holding it firmly in place. The trickiest one was #22, the last one closest to the soundhole. The kerf of the slot was spaced from the end of the fret board only the distance of the tang to the edge of the fret...mere thousandths of an inch...and that piece broke off twice while handling the fretboard prior to fretting that slot. I was fortunately able to save the pieces and superglue them back in place without a trace of crack showing. I filed off the section of tang close to the most fragile part of the end, and got that fret in before I break it again! By the way, don't leave your fret board by a window that the sun is shining in...
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