Cliff Morris's Comments

Comment Wall (39 comments)

At 5:25pm on June 8, 2009, Bob Webster said…
Cliff, great to have you as a friend. I hope you have a fine time with instrument building and that the products sound better than a muzzle loader. I gurantee you won't build just one. Ukes aren't a bad place to start. Long on learning/developing alot of the various methods and whole bunch easier on the wallet starting out.

P.S. How do you think a piece of koa would look as a stock on a Pennsylvania rifle?
At 7:06pm on June 8, 2009, Bob Webster said…
I think it would be stunning. A bit gaudy but, then, so is some of the high priced English and Bastogne walnut, not to speak of some of the Claro that you can get. I guess I'm just in love with the color of koa. Too bad it isn't a better tonewood.

At 11:23am on June 10, 2009, Donald A. Fortune said…
Hey cliff -- I'm going to put a jig drawing up on my drawing board and see if I cant come up with some type of form to make the guitar that I want.. when I get the monster done I will post it in the forum so Bob Webster can see it too-- I was a cabinet maker for many years before I was forced to retire(that's another story) however I am also not a rocket sceintest but I do have some mechanical ability so it shouldn't be too much for me to brain storm something that will work for me.
I'll keep you posted ok?? be safe --
At 5:33am on June 18, 2009, Donald A. Fortune said…
GM Cliff Ineed some info if you can supply it-- Im looking for the web site for remerez guitars -- the shop tour site --
Can you supply a link for me?? Thanx in advance for your help
Be safe-- Donald
At 7:43pm on June 18, 2009, Donald A. Fortune said…
Thanx Cliff-- not a problem cuzz Im not too good at puter stuff my self :(
BTW-- I'm working on a form to put together the classical guitar- Im going to give LMI a call in the morning and get some info on the outside profiles on classical guitars... I have a template for the remirez so I have a place to start from- I will contact you and let you know the scoop ok??
best to you--
At 8:09am on June 19, 2009, Donald A. Fortune said…
Hi Cliff-- here is a lil helpful hint for you and I hope it works out for you
If you are going to pass on a web stie to someone then all you do is put
WWW. and then the address --- that way all the reciepent does is click on the info and presto to the web site they go.. give it a try and what the heck the worse you can do is fail and Im sure there wont be any hard feelings anywhere ok??
best to you,
At 10:58am on June 21, 2009, Donald A. Fortune said…
Hey Cliff just thought I'd give you an up date on my progress of the form I am making to assemble the guitar I want to make...
Its coming along good so far and I should have it finished soon.
I will post a pic as soon as I ger- er- done ok??
At 6:59pm on June 21, 2009, Donald A. Fortune said…
From what I understand and Im not an expert on the subject of hyde glue,
but if its glued together properly then it wont come apart on you.
A tennor uke?? nice one - thats tuned the same as a tennor guitar if i'm not mistaken (correction requested)
I have another idea about making a stringed thing-- I want to make a mando that will be tuned one octive below a standad mando, 8 strings and with a 1-3/4 inch nut-- Bob Webber aut to get a kick out of that one.... be safe guy and do a good job --
At 9:37pm on June 21, 2009, Bob Webster said…
I really don't know how I missed your earlier post asking about black acacia. Sorry, mate. Yeah, I've seen some absolutely gorgeous guitars made from the stuff. It doesn't quite have the striking caramel colors of koa. It's like someone turned down the saturation a bit in Photoshop, but it does develop some very nice irridescent colors under finish that's quite lovely. It's a bit stiffer and harder to bend and work than koa and shares its propensity to scorch if you get the bending iron too hot, but overall well worth the effort. Soundwise, it's alot like curly maple, which is fine.

At 3:00pm on June 22, 2009, Donald A. Fortune said…
hey Cliff- I dont know weather it was here or on another site that I saw a 000 or OM size guitar that Frank Ford took and made an 8 string mando out of-- I also thought the thing could be tuned like a tennor guitar??
I like to get into the odd things as far as stringed instrements go
Ive done my share of solid body guitars for the hard rock set and then I tryed my hand at a dred and did ok now I want to get "classy"
and do a classical..
keep pluggin guy and have fun but be safe :-)
At 7:29pm on June 22, 2009, Bob Webster said…
Okay, Cliff, you ruined me. I found the Luxus site. Got an extra $2500 for a nice blank? It makes English walnut and its prices seem rather pedestrian. But now I know what I want for Christmas....

At 8:44pm on June 22, 2009, Bob Webster said…
Back in the days when I lived in the SF Bay Area, my wife and I used to run over to Reno every February to the Firearms and Engravers show. It was quite something to visit with some of the craftsment there and see some pretty great work. I've been told that the Safari Club Annual Meeting in Las Vegas takes all that to yet another level. Seeing their work puts my dabbling in flat pieces of wood in perspective and truly humbles me.
At 12:12pm on June 25, 2009, Donald A. Fortune said…

At 12:12pm on June 25, 2009, Donald A. Fortune said…

At 12:13pm on June 25, 2009, Donald A. Fortune said…

At 12:16pm on June 25, 2009, Donald A. Fortune said…
OK Cliff -- I promised you a few pics of the mold that I'm making to do a classical guitar.. gimmie an idea of what ya think-- I sent these pics to BoB webber to get his openion on my brane storm....
I will know how it works when I start making the new toy.....
How ya makin out on that uke???
At 8:54pm on June 25, 2009, Donald A. Fortune said…
Hey Cliff- Take a look see on my page-- I got a rave review.....
YEEE---HAWWWW ( thats redneck for wow) LOL
be safe bro....
At 9:33am on June 26, 2009, Donald A. Fortune said…
Good morning Cliff and welcome to a new day--
I always wonder why people end up in the place where they are--
Iffin ya dont mind can ya tell me how you happen to end up where you are??
I ended up where I am because of a company that I was working for in the early 90's-- I'm origonally from New England and they needed a tec.
in NC and asked me if I would go there and I said "well yeah" since I didnt like where I was-- so they moved me to Greensburro and I traveled between there and Charolette and I loved it here so much that when I retired I moved here and here is where I will stay...
I must admit that I was a red neck a long time before red neck was "cool" so I fit rite in...People here can tell that I'm a transplant but I have picked up a slight drawl since I got here.
be safe guy and have a gr8 day :-)
At 3:29am on June 27, 2009, Donald A. Fortune said…
Good mornin Cliff-- Interesting story as to how you ended up whee you are... kind of nice to know a lil about the people that you are trying to make friends with....
BTW I like your friend there with the 45ACP, or is it a 9 MM??
he can be on my team any time he wants to ..... LOL
At 8:38am on June 30, 2009, Donald A. Fortune said…
Hey Cliff-- hows that toe of yours doin??
I went and ordered up the material for my classical build--
going with rosewood for the sides and back and engleman spruce for the top, along with snakewood for the trim..
I name all of my guitars so I'm calling this one "elegant jane"
was going to call it plain jane but since I've decided to do it a lil up scale I think the name fits LOL
you be well my friend and please be safe ...

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