My new (to me) old classical guitar will sometimes make a harsh note on the D-string, mostly when fretted at the 3rd, 4th, 5th fret or somewhere along in there. I'm convinced it's a very slight buzz so I've been going over the fretboard with, if not quite a fine-tooth comb, at least with my little Stew-Max fret rocker gauge. It identifies the 8th fret as being level on the bass side, a tiny bit high on the treble and noticably high in the middle. That seems likely enough to cause problems on the D-string played at the first few positions.
Sighting down that fret under a bright light it does look a little wavy and I think there's a slight hump slightly off-center to the treble side. Looking at the edge of the fretboard the tang seems seated just as deeply on that fret as any other but under the B, G and D strings it rises up then levels back off under the lower strings.
Is that more likely to need filing down or is it possible it has actually ridden up out of the wood a little in that spot? Should I first give it a sound whack with my little brass-faced modeler's tack hammer? I've had to tap down a fret end that worked loose before (which takes almost no force) but have never needed to hit one hard enough to force it down in the middle of the 'board. Not sure how hard a lick I'm willing to give it.
I'm not equipped for nor confident enough to do an actual fret level of the entire fingerboard. And it's probably overkill anyway, my rocker says it's remarkably level everywhere else except a little fallaway on the 18th, 19th frets at the soundhole. Remarkable I mean for a guitar with no truss rod built in 1976. Just that one spot that seems a couple thousandths high. If it doesn't need or respond to banging with a hammer would it be a conservative thing to mask it off and just give a few strokes a some coarse sandpaper on a metal backing? Or is it necessary to use a file to make any progress at all?
I would hope some sandpaper and elbow grease could shave a slight bit off that bulge and cure the semi-buzz, maybe without even ruining the nice crowned shape of the fret overall. But maybe I'm dreaming.