Yesterday was old guitar day here at the shop. Had a customer bring in his grandad's 1955 LP custom, all original! Nice $35,000 guitar! Also, got in an old Kay solidbody with a broken pickguard. Owner wants it restored for sentimental reasons. There are sections missing, so she'd like me to make an entire new one. The old plastic has yellowed, but she doesn't care about color. Anyone know what type of plastic these are? It covers much of the body, abd the pickup is mounted directly to it A'la strat. I'm goint to have to source a piece and trace, cut, etc.

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Here is your Kay expert:

Maybe he can point you in the right direction? Seems like a nice guy. Met him at NAMM. Good Luck!
probably nitro cellulose would be my guess
If you can get a little scrap off it off, stick a match to it and see how quickly it flares up. Poof!


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