I recently purchased an early Boulder ODE long neck that was drilled, presumably at the factory, for cam-style D-tuners. I gather the ODE cam tuners were not terribly sophisticated mechanically and not that hard to build, and I'm wondering if anyone knows of a source for mechanical drawings I could use to build a set. Then again, if someone has a pair sitting around in their "Better-Not-Throw-This-Out-Because-I-Might-Need-It-Someday" box, I'd be interested in talking to you about them. Thanks.

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the earl scruggs 5string banjo book has a complete set of instructions for building the ones he built back in the day w/ diagrams
Thanks. I was aware that Scruggs had shared his design, but I was hoping to find drawings of the design ODE used, in the interest of restoration. Maybe I shouldn't be so finicky. Again, thanks. Bill


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