Here is an old banjo that I'm trying to lower the action on. This little guy has a dowel through the neck. with a small wood wedge to secure neck to rim. No coordinator rods here. I'm looking for the best way to adjust this neck and correct the string action to a lower, more playable position. Pictures are to follow. Thx, Eric

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Eric, that should be what's called a dowel screw or dowel bolt. Wood screw thread on one end and machine screw on the other. I have run into a few that would not come out of the tailpiece lug but generally they can be coaxed to un-thread out of the lug. Most hardware stores will carry dowel bolts and chances are good that you can match the thread size that goes into the tailpiece lug. If you can't get it out, there are a number of instrument part supply houses that will sell you a new lug and matching bolt.

I didn't think about it being two parts. I assume it was cast as one. Thx Paul.


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