Greetings to the classical guitar builders -- I have a question that needs to be answered-
I just received a set of plans to build a Jose' Ramirez classical guitar and the top and back seem to be flat rather than having a radius to it. is this the way it is made?????????
I will be attempting this guitar as soon as I get done making a 12 string dred. that I am working on now.
any help would be appreciated-- and thank you in advance for any replies....

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Hi Bob -- I'm wondering how long you have been making guitars and is the classical the only one that you make??
I'm using you as a mentor if you don"t mind :-)
I made my first classical guitar when I was in grad school back in 1970. I made steel strings and classicals in my spare time from my day job over the last 35 years or so, slowly moving to classicals only. It's only been in the last 5 years or so that I've been building more or less full time and then only classicals.

If I'm your mentor, you're a sick puppy, Donald A. Fortune, but I'm honored nonetheless.

Hi Bob -- Well the expression goes "sick is as sick does" and I must say that you have been a big insperation in my decission in making a classical guitar.. between what I have learned along the way and the advice that you have given me I thing it's gonna ba a "hit" (please excuse my poor spelling)
Hi Larry- I read anyone's "two cents" as you put it and anything that is said is not under scruteny (spell check)
so therefore I'm not offended.. :-)
I'll have to look up the book that you mention here and perhaps put it into my library, after all I read anything that I can get ahold of to make the trip more pleasent...
Thanx for the imput :-)
Hi Donald , If you like to read , have a look at a book by Jim Williams " a guitar makers guide" I think ? It has a clear and easy method for steel or classical guitar using spanish foot .Len
The classical guitar that I started this post with is done and can be seen on my page..
any and all comments are welcome and thanx for viewing.
Donald, you stinker. You've been cranking away if you've got it all stuck together. Congratulations!!! Let's see some more pics.

Hey Bob- the thing came out ok for the first try- I'm going to see if my son in law can make me a sound track so yall can hear what it sounds like, but I cant make any promises at this time--
Peace my friend.......
Donald, I'm sure it did. Looking forward to a sound track!

All someone has to do is tell me how to load a sound track to this site--- DAAAAAA


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