how to verify the radius of the top of a epiphone-pr5e-vs

Hello. I would like to verify the radius of the top of a epiphone PR5E/VS. I've looked online and am unable so far to find a spec sheet that describes the radius used. How would I go about verifying the radius with the tools I have (or don't have)?

Looking forward to your replies.

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I have figured the radius using a tape measure. I think martin uses 20ft Diameter for the tops arch of modern guitars.correct me someone if im incorrect.First get a sheet of blank paper and tape it to the floor, next fix the stupid end of the tape measure so it wont move now walk out the tape to 10ft  use a pencil or pin and mark the arch on the paper = 20 dia. mark several and find one that matches your top. not the most elegant method, is it.     

That's a good and simple method!   You'd need to use a 20 ft. tape to generate the 20 ft. radius, of course.

Hi Ron,
Thank-you for replying!
Looks like I gotta find a big piece of paper. It'll be fun to do.

Top radius changes with ambient relative humidity, age and string tension, so what's to verify?  

A section of one of the braces has let go and the top has deformed from the original radius. I'm thinking of humidifying and clamping with a caul that the top's soundboard radius then gluing the section of the brace that separated from the top soundboard. Or am I over thinking this?

I just glue it back with simple flat cauls on top. . .

Thank-you Frank. I was over thinking this.


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