Having nailed down after hours of research that Terry Clements (Lightfoots lead picker) in fact played two 1964 models ,this was the bridge I duplicated after locating a beautiful piece of rosewood. Thanks to Paula at Martin we were able to even detail it had an ivory saddle and to confirm exact specs which she in fact gave me. In reading the book on build a guitar it show bridge placement this way. The luither uses a exact fine mark staright edge from both outer edges 7 frets in from the soundhole to both front finger ends on the bridge.He states they should be identical !( check yours) . Here is something intresting .Martin admits that some mid sixty guitars did NOT intonate perfect . The problem was a worn jig used to set the neck angel and bridge placement. Where would you place the bridge angle wise?
My question before I glue the 3/32" slotted bridge in place using the intonation formula is , to achive 100% perfect intonation should those measurements be 100% to the 64th identical.Why would I ask that you may ask. Looking at tons of what appear tobe perfect square to the picture photos of old Martins and taking exact measuments of these photos some of the guitars definetly have TWO slighty differnt measurments.Going off to check my D-35 Guild just to see how it measures up having a bridge perfect square to the fret board 7 frets in ! - nanccinut