A while back my websites were hacked. They've all been fixed now. It made my few remaining hairs stand on end when I saw the warning message on google.
Yes, it's been a while. I've been living in Sevilla, Spain for the last 9 years, although I'm usually in the States during the summer. Most of my lutherie efforts now are for myself and friends. I have done a bit of design work for Todd at Allied but aside from that and the router base business, I spend most of my time on music.
i've had a band going here for a number of years, there are links to the music on the music site.
When Porter Cable dropped the 310, I searched around for a good replacement. The Bosch Colt is quite nice, it has a higher power rating and variable speed. It also has the advantage of being readily available. The 310 was always difficult to find. It's a pity that the 310 was discontinued, it was an excellent tool. There are still a few 310's for sale up on the net but the price is getting out of hand.