this customer wants his 12 string back playing again i don't blame him at all it is in fair condition for this one about 20 years old id imagine i don't know. anyhow it has a thick coat of poly protecting the neck and body joint.what procedures are best for this I havent gone through this much poly ever .should a razor saw be that match or has anyone found a better way ?I like Franks Jig for neck pulls and I think i will invest in one .but when i get the neck off and am resetting it if i have server blow out in the poly then what supper glue ?or do i scootch the neck so far i reset the neck by sanding through the blow out area ? this is all hypothetical and i am just trying to prepare my mind for what needs to happen here .i have set many necks but never a12 string reset and bridge re glue also it has a lot of work needed and going through poly i can fix nitro but poly is different for me i lack time with this product .