Greetings, I'd asked about this a while back, but put the task on the back burner.  I'm ready to tackle this project now.  Didn't find a whole lot on this specific guitar neck around the www.  I found out from my last post that it's likely a traditional dovetail.  My questions are:

1.  When resetting a neck on this guitar with floating bridge, do I shoot for the same straight edge/bridge relation as on a flat top?  ..straight edge just skimming the top of bridge.  Or can this bridge be altered to correct the neck angle?  (Doesn't seem likely to me)


2.  How do I separate the f-board extension from the top?  Heat has a long way to travel, and I poked around with a pallet knife/spatula but it's a pretty tight joint and don't want to scratch things up.


..thanks for your help..Tom

Tags: ES125, Gibson, neck, set

Views: 368


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That bridge is supposed to be adjustable! There should be a good 3/16 gap but someone removed the little wheels that support the upper part to get that last smidgeon of adjustment.

The archtops I've done have cantilevered extensions so they may be different but I try to get about a inch of string clearance between the strings and the top measured right at the bridge.This gives me around 1/4th of an inch of play in the bridge height.


I can't help you with getting the extension free because I haven't done one with that much mass under it but I would guess it is a matter of more time to heat up the neck. It may be possible that steaming the neck joint will also help with the extension. Perhaps someone with more experience will chip in. 


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