I wish to put a small tortoise pickguard on my nitro finished guitar, but most of the pickguards seem to be pvc or vinyl. Can I use them without risk? Any alternative suggestion?

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Risk?  It's a matter of degree, I suppose.  

Virtually everything affects lacquer to some extent.  Celluloid pickguards are traditional and the self-stick sticky adhesive has a moderate effect on the lacquer such that a leveling and rub-out is usually necessary to remove all traces when it's removed.  BUT, there's always a permanent "shadow" left on the top where UV is not allowed to darken both the lacquer and wood underneath a colored pick guard.

Vinyl attacks lacquer, and can turn it into a sticky goo that requires stripping and refinishing.  So, the "static cling" clear vinyl guards can work OK, but they MUST be removed immediately after each use to avoid serious lacquer damage.

For permanent installation, celluloid and other pick guards (not vinyl) are perfectly fine - it's only when   you hope to remove it without a trace  you get into trouble. . .

Thanks Frank.
It could seem strange, but this question had no answer in several forums and many people think it's not a real problem. I had no doubt you have the answer. Of course I understand that a pemanent pickguard is "forever" :-)


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