A little help, please.  I've got a new fender banjo in from a local music store with a broken 5th string (plastic) nut and a loose 5th string tuner.  Looks like the nut broke because the tuner was not seated all the way and was not lined up with the string pull.  I have no experience seating one, and I don't want to crack the neck.  I think the hole was not reamed enough at the factory.  I need to replace the nut and re-seat the tuner. How hard can you tap on these?  Like seating frets?  Should I ream the hole  bigger?  Add a drop of glue?  I'll add photos soon.  Frank F, advice?

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You can usually hit them pretty hard.  Remember, splitting the neck is always a possibility, so  be judicious.  Those planetary tuners have less grip than the right angle ones, and no fifth peg mounts all that securely.  These days, I swab the hole with medium CA and press the tuner in with my VersaVise's padded jaw.  It's a bit of a trial keeping the dang thing going in straight, but it works.  

Thanks.  It's a right angle one.  I was mistaken.  My banjo inexperience showing.


When I set 5th string pegs I take off the button and put a socket over the shaft so that the force from tapping is on the housing, not the gears.

Good advice.  Thanks, Greg.


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