Hi! I'm new in so i'm not sure how things work here.

I'm 22 and I've made some acoustic guitars, the leatest is an acoustic Flying V as you can see on my profile pic.

I'm Going to start building an Acoustic Bass guitar in Jenuary and i've never build a bass before. Should I need to know something before I start? I'll apriciate any advice.


Tags: Acoustic, Advice, Bass, Guitar, New

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Other than size and maby shape is it is made the same as a drednaught--
good lucck with your project-- peace, Donald

Thank you Donald.

One more question, do you know a web site where I can buy the hardware like tunning machines, strings, etc.. in a low price?

Hi Alvaro-- I get most of my supplys from two places-- one is and the other is   these two dealers should give you any supplys including hard woods for back and sides along with any hardware that you may use-- NOTE-- the size of an acoustic bass is usually - chest 11.00 in- waist 10.00 in- and the hip

17.00 in- although you may differ from these measurements if you wish-- the scale length can be eather 30.00 inches or 

34 inches-- both are common for basses-- be well and enjoy making your build-- peace,Donald

PS-- I use Hanalie Moon Guitars to make me some verry fancy necks also---   


Hi Donald, thanks for the sites and the messures! I'm building a jumbo body, but they help too!

Since I'm an architect, I make my own plans based on other instruments I have o see (because in Bolivia there is no way to find a plan), so this bass is:

Chest: 30.5 cm

Waist: 24 cm

Hip: 41 cm

And scale length 34 inches.

I'll post a picture of the plan soon.


Hi Alvaro- I would be glad to see Pictures of your bass - post them when you get them :)

Hi Alvaro

There are a couple of good articles on building an acoustic bass in "American Lutherie" Number 9 and Number 12. Unfortunately these individual issues are no longer available. However they are still available in "The Big Red Book of American Lutherie, Volume 1". I realize that it may be more than you want to spend, however there is a wealth of other information in these pages. The book is available from Luthiers Mercantile in Windsor CA. Website is
  Good luck


Thank you very much Allen, I'll take a look and post pictures as the project goes.



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