I"m in the process of making a dred. and I'm looking for info on the french polish system.
I have already put on 24 spit coats and I've sanded with 400 grit in between every 6 coats.
Now here's my boggle -- I still haven't filled all the pores. how many coats are necessary to do this?
I saw a product called "Z-POXY" in LMII's cat. and it claims that it can be thinned with alcohol,
and was wondering if any one has had any experience with this product..
Any feed back will be appreciated----

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Hi Rick- I'm in awww with your inlay work - It is beautiful :-)
natural looking wood is my style rather than a plastic look.
HI Donald, i use the zpoxy it works well but it has an amber tint, so if u want clear u can use the mirror coat , i get my zpoxy at the local hobby shop where they sell rc airplanes. it can be thinned with denatured alcohol. i thin mine for the back and leave it alone for the sides. and i dont use it on the top, just shellac and ktm9. I used to use nitro ,but it stinks my wife out and i dont want to dye early so i switched to ktm9 from lmi and love it, its a great finish.
cheers Mark
Thanks Mark- I have zpoxy on my list of things to get from LMII, I'm going to give it a try and see if it works for me
The top isn't an open pore wood, so no need to fill it .......
Rick, that is an exceptional, beautiful piece of furniture. I love the timber choices, the composition and the whole effect. Sitting at a desk like that I would never get any work done, I would just look at it all day!


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