Hi my friends I am in trouble I just refinished the neck of a RG560 Ebanez for a coustomer and a piece of the masking has taken some of the name off the head piece .Dose any one know were you can buy a new sticker for them ??? Bill.""""""""""""
My experience with stickers is that its quicker and more reliable to go black market . Dont have my guy's contact to hand at the mo.but can help you later I think . Len
Sims Custom Shop. www.simscustomshop.com - contact them via their website. There are others out there but these guys seem to have a good range of the modern Ibanez decals.
I have some difficulty with counterfeit products and as a professional shop we can't use them anyway. R.
Thanks Russell I have emailed Sims I sure hope they can help me out of this mess .And len if you can get me that iffo just in case I don't have any luck with the people that Russel told me about I would appreciate that as well .Bill."""""""""