The neck removal contraption is amazing. I try to take pictures as much as possible to document processes that I use. I know how much extra work and time it takes to do this, thanks for sharing!
I like this format a lot, Frank. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your work and how glad I am that you have the patience and dedication to do this sort of detailed documentation.
This recent blog is a very comprehensive undertaking and my thanks to you for sharing your tools, techniques, etc. Your photography is fabulous and I would like to ask you what equipment you use for photographing the interior such as a bridge plate?
My current technique for those interior shots is really simple. I toss in a light, and a hunk of acrylic mirror, then aim and focus the best I can. . .
As always, I'm impressed by the length and depth of your mastery of instrument repair, and I think I speak for all of us when I say that your websites have made all our sometimes difficult lives a lot easier. If I may, I would love to see a treatment on the subject of open top cracks, especially with issue of color matching. Again, many thanks.