A few (most actually!) of my 20s, 30s Kay Kraft guitars

 So I started this mad quest in 2010, when I was visiting Winnipeg, and met long time Facebook Friend Marcel Desilets. He showed me a 14 fret Kay Kraft that he had, and next day, I bought my first one off of our own FRETS member 'John' . It has been a wild ride so far, with me changing directions slightly a few times since I started, and getting way more focused. 

  There are currently 35 axes and several more are in the pipeline. My newest direction is starting to get the KayKraft and Oahu 'Nick Lucas' deep body'd guitars. These get VERA expensive indeed! 

I am still having lots of fun, and enjoying doing this, and at this point, it begins to look like the knowledge that I am gathering and giving out on these 'flawed beauties' may be my legacy..

 Kay Kraft history lessons

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Nice! Do you keep them in cases or display them?


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