I am fixing up a no-name, birch-body guitar and found its tuners as you see in the photo. Two of the tuner shafts are bent. I am guessing that the best thing is to use pliers with leather pads and just try to bend them back. Seems simple, but I am putting this out there to see if there are things I should beware of before giving it a try.
Assuming I get the shafts back in line enough to be usable and not look awful, I then have to come up with a screw and a cog to re-attach one of the posts, as you can see on the right of the photo. If anyone knows of a source for such parts, I would love to hear of it.
If either of these problems is insoluble, I'll just have to bite the bullet and buy a set of vintage-style tuners, but it would be nice (and cheaper) to keep the originals. BTW, this guitar originally had a tailpiece and, I assume, a floating, one-piece wooden bridge. I am converting it to X-bracing and pin-bridge just to see what that would sound like. If anyone is interested, you can follow my progress on the "Repairs" blog on my website: