Well, it seems they have discontinued that tool. The company was sold a few years ago, and before long the stuff that wasn't selling well started getting dropped. I don't know of another source, so I suppose it becomes yet another tool we have to make for ourselves. . .
You might check out suppliers for jewelers tools as they use all sorts of specialized pliers and such to set stones, etc.. Rio Grande in Arizona or NM has some pliers that are similar I believe or could be modified. Unfortunately they charge for their quite large catalogs (one tools, there other stones and precious metals, etc.) and I haven't purchased a tools catalog in about 8 years and I've never bothered to become familiar with their website. But they're worth checking out. Then, again, I've often found cheap tools at Harbor Freight that are easily modified with a press and a grinder and if you screw up one on the first try the cost is so low that perfecting the tool the second time usually requires less than $10 outlay and whatever you charge yourself for your time.
There are wire bending pliers that have a split jaw. They would need to be ground down on the back side but it would be easier than making them from scratch. The catch is that I've never seen any that were that large. On the other hand, I've never looked for any that large either.
I can't find any bending pliers that appear to be robust enough for this application. In the RC world there are "ball link" pliers that are already thinned and slotted but they don't appear substantial enough either. I suppose the only answer is to make them.
Rio Grande's products are all on their web site. The big effort is getting through all the choices. I've got a couple pair of specialty pliers that have been very useful, e.g. one with nylon jaws so it doesn't mar the work. Great for yanking saddles from bridges.
Echoing another comment, I'd first go to Harbor Freight and look for candidates to modify. With the low prices, it's cheap to experiment. I have a bunch of their stuff. Be careful, though--some of it is so inexpensive and useful that you'll come home with more than you planned on. Despite the low cost, much of their stuff is good quality. Many major brands buy their stuff from the same factories.