guys i am trying to source crome domes with the inlayed tops the catch being

that i am looking for chrome dome knobs with out inlays already so i can inlay my own designs dose anyone have a contact who can provide top of the line knobs with out inlayed tops ?

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Allparts have a lot of inlayed knobs, - buy them, remove the inlays and put your own in.
These guys specialize in inlay style knobs. Maybe they can help?
Question. How do you inlay into a metal chrome dome knob top? Some if the other guys had suggested Stewmac and Allparts which carry plain chrome dome knobs without inlaid tops. I'm I not getting it. Thanks
no mike they do sale the top with inlay it at stew mac i want them with out inlay and ready for my inlay
Hi Paul I found some plain chrome knobs on E/BAY -- you will have to put in "KNOBS" in the search engine tho -- ok??
Peace, Donald
I think I understand that you are looking for knobs that already have the depression for the inlays cast into the top so that you can install your own inlay. I think that this will require you to find one of the companies that cast these for the knob suppliers. I think maybe you should try contacting someone that is also inlaying their own tops to see if they will tell you where they get theirs or possibly sell you some of their "blanks".

You also might try searching for electronics equipment knob manufactures or wholesalers in the hopes of finding someone that carries them. In the end it may be easier to take the advice already given and buy some that already have inlays and replace them with your own.

Check out
i like it thank you Michael


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