I am trying to figure out the best method for spraying a set neck solid body, for example a Les Paul.

I'll stain the top and the body and neck and I'll have to clearcoat. For bolt on necks it's pretty easy to mount them on a stick and hang it from the stick too, but set necks I'm not so sure about. I saw somebody attaching a handle inside of a pickup rout in the top which makes sense but how do you hang it then?

Others say finish body and neck seperately, or use clothing hanger wire through a tuner hole...

Any advice?

Tags: curing, finishing, handle, neck, set, spraying

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Hi Micha,

The general standard is as Paul has illustrated which also provides a way of handling the guitar and moving it about by holding onto the eye bolt.  We still use this system from time to time but generally we now use a rotisserie arrangement with a flange screwed into the pickup cavity. 

This allow the spray painter to rotate the guitar by way of a wheel on the horizontal rotating shaft  to give the optimum spray angle and access to all nooks and crannies while using the gun in the vertical and with a constant wrist angle and action.  Our original roughie is mounted on an old three roller stand and the new jig system being built is mounted on an engine stand so it can be wheeled in and out of spray/dry areas without having to handle the guitar and can also handle multiple units at one time. 

The primary advantage is that coats are initially sprayed onto a gravity friendly surface and don't run and as the guitar is rotated it allows the lacquer to draw out in many directions giving a flat and consistent build.  Obviously the guitar does not rotate on the pivot when the air hits it and the operator also has optimum body positon and access to all surfaces.

Probably the most worthwhile jig I have ever made.



WoW Russ, That top looks like a  golden swimming pool ! Nice jig and work....!!!

Hey Russell,

wow what a cool guitar and also what a cool srpaying jig. I actually got inspired and build myself a little rotisserie... I'll post pictures once tested and in action!

I got just one question, should you need to spray bursts, you would still hang the guitar from the lower bout, right? I image the jig being in the way in that case?

Hi Mischa,

If you look closely you can see a locking arrangement on the vertical shaft that screws into the pickup cavity, I unlock that and the guitar can spin 90+ degrees in the horizontal while I spray the burst - don't do it often but that way I can spray in a flat plane which gives me a consistent spray pattern for a burst.   For "F" style bolt on neck pockets I have a flat plate that screws to the horizontal shaft  when the vertical shaft is removed and this flat plate screws into the neck pocket to give a similar rotisserie effect.

The main  improvement to this jig is putting  it on a stable "engine stand" base so it can be moved around with confidence and where I can see it while moving it - the number of times I have brushed against stuff or bumped into things carrying a wet lacquered guitar between stations is just too many to think about!

I'm looking forward to seeing your work and I'm sure you can improve this rather basic design.


great reply rusty as can't help but feel kinda proud that you've used my "earplugs in the holes" tip.

I made a rotating hook that goes through a tuner hole for when I spray a neck through guitar, and it works nicely. But Id have to recommend you try to make something like Rusty's rig if you have the room and time. Unfortunately I dont have that kinda room at all, so I make spraying vertically work. You just have to be extra careful to watch where your build ends up and to keep your spray strokes consistent. Spraying upside down gets tricky! If you have to do it that way, I suggest keeping a good quality lacquer brush on hand to tip off runs or drips. The pinholes that can result are a bugger.


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