I am hoping someone can offer some ideas on this problem. The small diameter of the "head" is only part of the problem. The head goes over two metal rings. The upper one has a rounded edge on the top, simila to a rolled or spun meta tone ring. The underside of this ring has a channel which mates to the lower metal ring. The edge of the lower metal ring has a shallow groove . The purpose of the groove is to provide a place for a piece of wire to go in. The wire serves the same function as the much larger diameter ring used to mount a calfskin head on a banjo. I have been unable to get the piece of wire to go into the groove all the way around and have the outer edge of the calfskin coming back up.The diameter of the wire is determined by simply twisting the two ends. I end up with being unable to get the wire on over the skin or it is too large a diameter and goes beyond the lower ring. I tried a belt clamp and even tried using neodymium magnets. I feel like I could do the job if I had six or eight hands!
At this point I am beyond the point of making a profit when I sell the banjo uke. But, the challenge keeps me going.
Ed Taublieb

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Have you mounted skin heads before? I'm having trouble with your description. Normally the head wraps around the flesh hoop (which can be round or square in cross-section) then back under the tension hoop (that the hooks pull down on) and up. So there end up being 2 thicknesses of head between the rim and the tension hoop. I don't get the location of the groove you mention.
The wire is what serves as the flesh hoop. It goes into a groove on the outer side of the lower ring. The head wraps around this wire. There is no tension hoop.There are no hooks or shoes. Instead, the upper ring has four arms that bend around and are screwed into the inside of the wooden rim. There are threaded holes in the lower ring (the one with the groove in it). Machine screws go in these holes and by screwing them through ihe lower ring they contact the upper ring and cause the lower ring to move away s moved away from the stationary upper ring causing the head to tighten.
Hey Ed. Do some searching on this fellow's website. He's got a couple of tutorials that may prove to be of some value. From the main page, go to the site index and poke-around a bit. Good luck....
Thanks for the suggestion. I spent some time looking around the site. There was a section on installing a calfskin head on a banjo. I've done that quite a few times, although not for many years. The site does not have anything help for my problem. The banjo-uke head is a lot smaller in diameter than any banjo head. That is part of the problem. The unusual construction with two metal rings and a piece of wire serving as the flesh hoop is an even bigger part of the problem.
Ed Taublieb
Is there anyway to post a picture of this to give us and idea?
The attached photo shows both rings. They are just under 6" in diameter. The four tabs on the upper ring have holes for wood screws which attach it to the inside of the wood rim. The lower ring has a groove in the outer edge which I aides in keeping the wire that serves as the flesh hoop in place. The holes spaced around the top of the lower ring are threaded. Machine screws go in these holes. As they go in further they push the lower ring away from the upper ring, causing the head to tighten.

I hope the photo with the description will be enough for you to understand what I am dealing with.
Ed Taublieb
Have you looked at bongo heads as a possibility?I'm experimental and dumb enough to check 'em out.
I don't see how a bong head would work. They are either adjustable with a tension hoop and hooks or they are tacked into the wood rim. I suppose I could tack a head in place but it would destroy the functionality of the two ring set up.

Ed Taublieb


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