Hi All,

Now the time for me to ask a fave:

I've had this Martin dropped on my bench from my mates in the retail world with a note to date it, validate the bridge type and repair the lifting bridge.

I'm not lazy (not much!) but I'm not an Acoustic expert when it comes to stuff other than fixing them and I'm acutely aware of how talking about dates and fixtures can come back to bite one on one's nether regions.

Short story: can anyone come up with a probable on 000-28  #75117 (it says around 1940 on the Martin list) and as it it is imaged.   Is this the correct original bridge (only if the answer is obvious).

This guitar is in good condition and the owner is no shonk.

Thanks in advance guys,



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Creating a "through saddle"" slot can be done just by passing it across a table saw.

Thanks Mark and all, 

I have a largish router jig for cutting saddle slots which will do the trick and the Altendorf has a 3mm kerf!    I'm going to wait out the customer on this one as it proves once again that cost effectiveness and perceived quality etc etc just confuses the hell out of the customer.   Not to mention the retailer who referred the job to us on their invoice having just handed over the job in total to us as they can't pass on enough middle-man profit to the customer once the job got past a certain cost.  This is admirable of them as they are a class outfit and do not gut their customers.  However, its my time being burnt up now re-explaining this to the customer and doing all the leg work - more cost, less return even though I get the job in total.

I remember when stuff was simple.

Thanks again all, Rusty.

Thanks Joshua, good call, I'll look into that option and tell you if I find anything, R.

That's a desirable and relatively valuable guitar and worth the effort, i.e. time, attention to detail and quality materials, to keep it 'right' for it's era.  Martin bridges changed a bit over time, so check out the rear contour, as well as the saddle-slot angle for it's era of bridge design.  A well-sculpted, slightly oversized bridge from quality ebony won't be a value nor aesthetics killer, so this should be a satisfying project for you..have fun!  Oh, and kudos to the local retailer for not just slapping a cheap, machine-made repro bridge on there and cashing the check!



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