What is this clown Spider doing spamming the forum with Viagra junk? Has anybody else seen this, or am I seeing things?

Best Grahame

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Dunno Grahame, but it might be the perfect answer for this floppy bass neck I'm working on!

It happens sometimes, Grahame. Frank will delete them as soon as he sees them. I can't figure out what these people think will happen. It's not like any of us are likely to take these posts seriously or follow their links. It a complete waste of their time and franks bandwidth.

He's BBaaaaaaaacccccckkkkkkk!
awah wanaaaaa..
It's not an individual, but an automated system. Ning has had a bit of a security problem from time to time, so t hose creepers get in. Simple deletion handles the issue at the local level here. . .


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