Does anyone know the the date The Acoustic Guitar Volume II by Don Teeter was first published?

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The copy I own was done in 1980. I fairly sure this is a first edition.

Thanks Ned! I've done some searching on the net and haven't been able to confirm a date.

Ned: i saw a preview of it on amazon it looks kinda technical but is it a great book to have i heard it was.

In mine it says: first edition 1975, first paperback edition 1996. Mine is a paperback edition, but I don't know exactly how old it is, as I bought it used, as it was out of print at the time. Don't know whether it's available now.

Is that volume II, Grahame?  My Teeter volume I is dated 1975 with no other published dates.  I found a book site that has a hardback edition from 1976 that they say is the second edition of the original book. They were originally published by the University of Oklahoma in it may be possible to get the information from there if it is really important.

It is available in paperback on Amazon for about 35 american dollars.  

Hi Ned

After re-reading the OP, I see we're talking about Vol II, mine is Vol I. At least I assume it is, it doesn't say Volume anything actually, just the title. Paperback, published by University of Oklahoma Press, Norman. Sorry,  my bad... 

No "Bad" to be had, Grahame. The first volume isn't labeled as volume anything. It is only the second that is labeled as Volume II. 

I hope this will clear the confusion. I'd like to get both volumes for this reason- "The first volume provides detailed instructions on disassembling and assembling guitars, describes the tools and materials used in their repair, and give step-by-step procedures for major and minor repairs, inlay work, and refinishing. The second volume updates this material with new techniques and instructions on how to custom design tools and equipment to simplify the job of repairing and refurbishing guitars."

There are several sellers posting Volume II with different publication dates. Some of them are using descriptions of Volume I. To add to the confusion, Oklahoma Press is coming out in February with what looks to be a reprint in paperback of Volume II. I would like to get a copy of the first printing of Volume II if possible so, I was wondering if anyone knew when it was first published so I could buy it from a seller who is really selling Volume II and not Volume I.

I hope this helps what I'm looking for. Thanks for your replys!

I'm pretty sure that my books are both first editions. If you want to use them in a work environment, I would suggest that you think about purchasing the paperback versions unless you are collecting. The only reason I have the hardback editions is that I purchased them long ago, before paperback were available. 

The book bindings isn't exactly heavy duty. The pages are fine but the covers are a bit light weight.  It's obvious that the books were bound on a budget, probably because they realized that this was not going to be a high sales volume book. 

The repair techniques outlined in both books are certainly worth having access to but some of it is dated. There is still a lot of good information there but techniques for some things have changed now. Short of, I think it still one of the most complete single (dual?) sources for repair tech but I sometimes wish that Frank's site was a set of books so that I could lay it out on the bench in front of me. 

As far as I can tell (after researching at (Germany), Volume II seems to have first been published in October 1980. After reading this post, I thought I'd try and obtain Vol II, as, until I read this post, I didn't even know there was a second volume!

So, over to Amazon Germany: They have one copy, used, hardback, for EUR 468,26! Yep, you read it right!

EUR 468,26!

Jeez, some of my cars cost a lot less than that! I can't imagine Mr. Teeters wisdom being worth so much, at least not to me...:-)

how many volumes are there. and yeah all my shop books are paper back because they go thourgh alotta reading get paperback brother.


Volume II is a nice addition because Teeter clarifies some of his original stuff and he also updates a few of his techniques. The second has the same text book feel of the first. I actually think it would be nice if they would just print both in one binding and have done with it. 

Do you have any idea how much shipping would cost if I bought a copy here (california) and shipped it to you? Would there be any import tax or paperwork that would have to be done or could I just fedX it directly to you since I'm not a business?  Twenty dollars sure leaves a lot of room for shipping compared to EUR 468,26. It's paper back but the information is the same either way. 


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