Hey everyone. Good Morning. So I swapped output jacks on this EC10, the owner complained of the static pop noise you get when they start to get funky. Anyways, he called yesterday to talk and told me that the P/U is just killing batteries now. I put a jack in that had an extra lug. Didn't use it though. It sounds just fine. He told me he is not leaving it plugged in. Anyone have this problem? I am not a electronics expert by any means, I just wanna make it right if I can.

Also, this guy plays the guitar hard and doesn't humidify. The bridge is lifting and it needs a neck reset. He bangs away in first position. Here is my question. He wants me to re glue the bridge but the neck angle is through the roof. sitting at .130-.140 at the 12th. Saddle is toast too. If I re glue the bridge will it just come back off because of where the tension is? What is the Order of Operations? Should he have these both done?

Thanks in advance:)

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You need to use the extra lug on the stereo socket

There is a groundwire coming from the preamp that  connects to this and is grounded out ONLY when the plug is inserted and this turns on the preamp

No real advice, David, but it sounds like you have a potential customer from hell.

Personally, I'd tell him that either the instrument gets all the work that's needed or no deal.  Think about it, if it doesn't leave your bench "roadworthy" and the bridge pops off in the middle of his set, I guarantee that he will throw you (and your reputation) under the bus to save face.

However you proceed, remember that it's your name on the work that's going out the door.

Also, with any repair (like the electronics), it's better to do your research BEFORE you do the work.


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