Martin 00015 headstock Nitro reaction to rubber feet on clip-on tuner

I guess I have heard of this happening before, but never seen it in person. The damage was caused by the Intellitouch PT40 clip-on tuner attachment feet. The Martin website says this guitar has an East Indian Rosewood headstock plate with nitrocellulose finish. Not sure what rubber-like material is on the tuner feet, but I am hoping to learn how to fix the headstock finish issues if possible. Pictures of the headstock and the tuner attached. Thanks! Steve

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Why refinish it if she needs to keep the capo handy anyway. The damage is done so, unless she has another handy place to keep her capo available, I'd just leave it and continue to keep her capo there.

 My old Kay archtop has a cigarette burn in the headstock binding just like Paul mentioned. When I restored the guitar, I kept the damage as a bit of it's history. One of the things I've learned over the years if that while those scrapes and nicks really bug me when I make them, after a while I find them more acceptable, like an old battle scar. These are signs of MY history too and realizing this helps me forgive myself when I screw up and do something to one of my instruments. It's not all good but it's doesn't have to be all bad either. 

Hi guys.

I deserve NO credit. Y'all know that my most common reply to issues addressing a specific product is to: "Contact the manufacturer as they know more about that particular product than anyone." I only applied my advice.... and it's always a true pleasure to assist one of our bothers/sisters.

Thanks to Rusty at Intelletouch for his great assistance.

What I learned from this post is that speculation will always be inferior to investigation. Excuse me while I, too, wipe my share of egg off of my face.

Have a great week, everyone.


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