I wondering about the liquid hide glue by franklin that stew mac has in their cat.
has anyone had any experience with this product?? if so let me know what you think.
thanx in advance for any info out there. :)
The only time I used that glue was on my second guitar, 30 years ago. I glued the back on with it . 12 hours later, after i took the clamps off, the back proceeded to pop off, to my astonishment. The glue was still "liquid ". It was a chore to clean the glop off and re-glue with Titebond.
I understand that LHG has a shelf life, printed inscrutably on the bottle. Forgive me if I never researched the code, but I never used it again. For my money, I'd recommend something else! YMMV!
I bought one gallon 30 years ago and built with it and the things I still have are just as solid now as then. I found the bottle a few years ago and used the rest of it and it still worked good so I went to Ace hardware and bought one small boddly and all the violins I repaired came apart. I use Tight bound glue for everything and love it!
Hmmm, I don't particularly care for the liquid hide glue. The shelf life is limited and it doesn't seem to have the full strength of regular hot hide glue. Once you get used to using HHG (and go through the motions of mixing, storing, etc.) it's as easy as falling off a log. You can mix what you need, as you need it... and it's as strong as the devil.