Just got an Epi FT-147 made in Kalamazoo in that needs a Neck re-set wanted to check in here to see if anyone knew what kind of neck joint I was dealing with on this.Jot the fingerboard extension loose but can't seem to find a dovetail or mortise-tenon pocket at 15. any body know what up with this.



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Hi Dennis,

 I think the FT0147 was made in Japan, not Kalamazoo. The model isn't a pre-1970 model.  It's common to get confused because the label has a mention of Kalamazoo but probably has a small "Made in Japan" on the bottom edge. The "Kalamazoo" was a marketing trick, I think. 

 As far as I remember, it's a dove tail that's cut with almost no gap between the neck block and the tail. There is a thread here somewhere in which one of the guys took one of these in for an Xray. If I remember, there is almost no gap. It may also be put together with Japanese mystery glue. Since you got the fingerboard extension loose, you may be able to get a hint about the type of glue used from what you had to get through on that.

BTW, some people will fall back on the old technique of cutting through the 14 fret to remove the extension so the dovetail is exposed. I've never liked that because I think it leaves the neck more prone to movement in all directions.  As big a pain in the butt as it is, I prefer to remove the whole fingerboard if it comes to that. I've done a couple of neck removals that I couldn't steam out by pulling the F.B. and using hot pallet knives to melt through the glue.I have several that vary in thickness and width. I can't say it will work on this guitar because it probably depends on the glue they used. I don't think it would work very well on epoxy. What I removed on mine came out like old chewing gum and it was NOT a quick process either. Fortunately, for me, I'm a hobbyist so time isn't nearly as much of a problem. If you're doing this for money, you might consider just cutting the neck off and converting it to a bolt on. 

Ha, ha you're right after reading your reply I wiped the label a bit more and sure enough at the lower right corner "made in Japan"  I thing the fingerboard is the right way to go I will probably add a truss rod while its open. I cut the neck off of a Aria 12 string  ( doweled neck) not fun at all I did a Youtube video about it.  Anyway thanks for the insight

O It will be a bolt on after this 

forget the truss rod comment that was the aria

As an aside, the glue on the fingerboard extension was no issue breaking the finish between the body and fingerboard was the more delicate issue.  the glue ids a bit gooey but separated with no problem

If you can - Please take photos and post them in the Reset Gallery when you get it apart.  I like Ned's advise. Cheers Tom


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