How evaluate if a neck is warped or twisted ?

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Well, one indication certainly is if the relief measures very different on the two outside strings.
For that an notched straightedge should be an ideal tool ??

to measure the fingerboard status without frets influence .......
I think that a perfect alignment on both sides cannot exist.............

Which is the acceptable tolerance for different relief between bass and treble side ??
If you look down the neck from the head stock like you are sighting down the barrell of a rifle you might pick up a twist or a warp in that manner--
An old carpenters' trick is to use winding strips, i.e. two straight thin battens of wood across the neck and at right angles to it. Then sight down it and any 'winding' (warpage) is obvious. Of course, this only works with a non-radiused f/b; for a radius I would place a strip in the nut slot and sight on to the body.
Also, provided the guitar has been built correctly and your headstock is symmetrical it is possible to sight from the headstock on to the heel and spot any twist.
I've had quite a few guitars in for set up which have had greater relief on the bass side, as much as 10 thou difference, and as none of these have been particularly well known makes I'm in the dark as to whether it was intentional, poor workmanship, or a distorted neck. Still, I'd rather have this, than too much treble relief!
Sight down the neck from the headstock. Use the outside strings as reference points (straightedge); they are straight! Any bow, warp, twist usually shows up pretty obviously.


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