There is no meaningful answer to this question. It's like asking what is the factory setting for the seat position in a BMW. Who cares? It's the setting that is right for you that counts, and that needs to be determined by a repairer who watches you play a bit, or at least talks to you about your playing preferences.
"Our factory specs for action are 4/64-inches on the high E string and 6/64-inches on the low E. Our 12-string models are set slightly lower — 3/64-inches on the high E and 5/64-inches on the low E. These measurements are valid only when the neck is straight!"
Tim, I'm so sorry for your wallet! I can't recommend you to ask for a mortgage, given the world banking situation!
Greg: I know very well what you said, I was asking for the factory standard set up. Martin sets at 3.5/32 and 2.5/32. Guild at 3/32 and 2.5/32. Now we know also the Taylor factory set up.
Ryan: Thank you very much.
There is a guage that is available from that shows the exact distance from the bottom of any string
to the top of the fret. You set the action and go from there to suit your needs.. works gr8 too.. :-)