Expensive, but would make it easy to look inside Archtops and Mandolins:

(Having a hard time posting a direct link - It is at

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Hey Tom, Just checked it out and all I can say bad is that there's no USB or Firewire connectivity. Sure would be nice to view it on the laptop , as us old guys have a tough time viewing on a 2 1/2" screen.
Good point. It is nice to have the photos on a big screen. I have been using my Canon Powershot inside standard acoustics set on 'macro' and using time delay, and it works great! However, I still have a hard time with F-Hole stuff.
A Bore-o-Scope you say....that would come in quite handy at the next luthiers convention to check out the guys when the discussion turns to the pros and cons of flatsawn versus quartersawn necks and whether aluminium endpin jacks sound different than plastic ones etc.......
But seriously, didn't I see a post with someone using their mobile phone to image the interior (they have mighty good resolution these days) and downloading their in-phone memory card/USB connector direct to to their computer. It's not real time but its not bad either considering. Oh, and the other thing mentioned was the use of a webcam hooked directly up to the computer for real time views in the box - I haven't done this - anyone?
LOL! Yes there can some really tight spots in luthier land. And I am looking to fit into small f-holes ... (badda-bing ... sorry:)


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