A kid I know (the son of a good friend) had his fairly new Fender flattop wrecked at a scouts camp last summer. They have had insurance money for it and he is getting a new guitar. He showed me the wreck and said he was going to put it up on the wall as a memory, but I talked him into giving me a shot of making it playable again, and still be possible to use as wallhanger memory.
I thought it had quite a promising breakage, with plenty of wood to give a strong joint. I glued it with hot hide glue. What do You guys think of this, will it hold? From what I have read, a joint like this is as strong or even stronger than the surrounding wood if done correctly...
At his request I didn´t do any finish work exceptcleaning excessive glue.
It has now been stringed up during two days and seems OK.
Pictures before:

