I need to close a seem on top of a martin d-35. It's BARELY open but well, its open. Super thin spruce splices? Sooo thin.... 

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Have you humidified the guitar to see if it will close ?

I will. It didn't separate due to dry ness, but rather got to warm. But if itll drink that would help it close nonetheless. Thank you for the reply I'll offer it a drink.  Colin

I would still check the RH in your area. It does look like a "dry"crack. good luck!

Thank you fellows. I created the open seem by overheating the top. I got distracted playing fiddle tunes while the heat bulb was warming the bridge. That’s the first and I’ll say last time that’ll happen. So humidity....I laid two wet washcloths flat in a plastic bag. No folds, all surface, realeasing moisture. So as not to get the guitar wet I laid it atop a few small cans in the bag, with the sound hole facing down. I then tied the bag shut. The crack closed in 24 hours. That’s serving a guitar a drink! Thanks for the posts.
Always use a mask around the bridge. All it takes is corrugated cardboard covered with foil. Use hide glue for the seam for the least visible repair.

Greg Mirken
I used a mask I just got distracted fiddling

Hi, I'm new here, been looking for awhile and thought I'd take the plunge and join in.

I have found that closing the gap without gluing it first could result in it opening again with seasonal fluctuations. With very small cracks I have found the The moisture in the glue, rubbed into the crack, plus a bowl of water placed carefully insde the guitar, does the job. I cover the soundhole and put the guitar aside with a not on top saying, water inside.

I have also used a glue by Veritas, Chair Doctor, that claims to expand the joint as it dries, it dries transparent and cleans up with water.

cheers Taff


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