So, I have my old department-store guitar (see recent disscussion on locating the bridge; actually, it looks just like an Oahu I recently saw on eBay) strung up and playing, and I am having my first experience with bar frets. Specifically, I can't play a glissando. It feels as if my finger hits a square edge. I suppose that is actually what is happening, since the fret does not have a little ramp to help the finger slide over it as a T fret does. I read up on bar frets in Dan Erlewhine's
Guitar Player Repair Guide, and his interviews with Dana Bourgeois and T. J. Thompson convinced me that I would be in over my head to mess with them. Certainly I do not want to mess with the neck relief which is perfect.
So, is this the luthiery equivalent of the old joke which goes, "Doctor, it hurts when I do this."
"Then don't do that."
By that I mean is a glissando just going to be more difficult to play on bar frets?