I have an 1960 or 50's Kay.. the floating bridge has been glued down, what I think is super glue or some simular product... any  sugestions on how to dissolve the glue to  remove the bridge ?



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Any solvent that would work on super glue will damage the finish before getting under the bridge. I might try some heat applied to the bridge base, then work a thin knife under it, like one would do for a flat top bridge. You might be able to apply the heat with a soldering iron to the bridge post. It might also be wise to score around the glued area to minimize damage to the surrounding area. If heat fails to soften the bond, a sharp rap (like loosening a nut) could work, but you see where this is going. 


Is the bridge in the wrong place? Most likely, as there is only one right place and lots of wrong places.


Good luck.



CA glue is very brittle and will crumble if you can get a pallet knife under there. The biggest fear is that you'll dive the edge into the top rather than the glue seam. Work under an edge on one side, then turn and enter another area, then turn and repeat so that you're not moving all in one direction, which could dive or tear out when the bridge comes loose.

Acetone dissolves CA, but will damage the finish as well, so you would want to be extremely careful trying to wick it under the bridge without it going everywhere else. Any finished area it hit you would want to leave alone for a few days to allow it to harden again and then level and buff as needed. But if you're not absolutely sure the glue is CA, then you may be risking the top for no reason. I'd explore with the pallet knife and see how far you get.


If the bridge needs to be removed for playability reasons all you can do is take pains to minimize the damage and proceed.

Hey, you might try just routing / grinding away the whole bridge with a fixture setup. Is this an arch top? Some old tailpiece Kays  had just wood bridges.Maybe this is a bit radical and un-necessary. Just a thoght!
fresh razorblade does it nicely!

Thanks everyone,

looks like I have a good ol time ahead of me!

Well, I will give it a go, and just see what happens.



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