workin on a gibson with a stripped truss rod nut, any suggestions on gettin it off?

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Dan E from Stew Mac just did a thing on a striped truss rod nut he dipped his Allen in wax then installed it and squeezed JB Weld in and let it dry and removed the Allen he shows this done on a mandolin?May the force be with you this is done to build up the hole for future adjustment
Viewed that one on trade secrets, but this gibson has a standard hex nut not the allen style. Whoever worked on it before me stripped out the nut and its totally round.
Hi Mark , my suggestion would be to grab a 1/4 " box spanner ( its a round tube with the ends crushed to fit a nut ) apply some super glue and slip it over the nut then when dry , undo and pull at the same time . Hopefully its the nut thats stripped and not the rod.Both the nut and the spanner are cheaply available .Len
First thing that comes to mind is, take a slightly smaller socket, standard or metric that you can tap onto the nut, and get a tight enough fit that will take it off.
Those brass nuts are soft and there should be some way of getting a socket driven on that will grip it enough to get it off.
You could also hold a soldering iron tip on the nut, to heat it, and expand it enough so that it comes off easier with a socket.
Also, is there enough room to clamp on some needle nose vise grips, as another option?

Remember- Where there is a will, there is a way.

Thanks Jim the taping a smaller socket trick worked, Cheers Mark
I'm glad it worked.

O.K. I have done the same thing but what is the size of the metric socket to use...That would be a good post... I have forgotten and would like to mark it on my socket so's that I will remember the next time..There is a reason that you should never smoke pot, but I can't remember what it is>>>


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