Rookie needs help. I am shaping a replacement bridge from scratch and need to route a 3/32" slot. Problem is, I have few proper tools and a budget of $0. I have the Cumpiano/Natelson book, and they describe a technique that I can try, drilling holes with a drill bit along the length of the slot, then chiseling away the excess, but I would have to get a 3/32" chisel to scrape the bottom of the slot flat. I also have the dremel plunge router base, but the smallest bit I have is 1/8", and I'd really like to make this slot 3/32. I can get nice perpendicular holes with the dremel router, using it as a drill press, but scraping the bottom of the slot to make flat sounds difficult. Anyone used this technique with success?
I'm thinking of using the dremel grinding/sharpening tools to make my own scraper out of the grip-end of the 3/32" drill bit, hoping to get it dead flat on the bottom and sharp.
Am I overlooking any other way to get a nice clean flat slot at this width?
Any creative ideas?