Identtity of brass screw used to convert to bolt on

I don't know the proper name of this bolt type thing. Please see pictures. I have used them on two occasions while converting to a bolt on neck, but I have never had a good experience with them. I am turning to you all to perhaps gain a better understanding of how to properly insert these.

My process has been to drill out a hole slightly smaller than the threads and then I would use a wide screwdriver to screw it onto the wood. At some point during this process I end up breaking off on of the sides that the screwdriver bears against.

My end results have been fine, but I feel like I am not doing something right here, it seems that I should not be breaking a section off. If anyone has experience, I would greatly appreciate to hear your process to install these.

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You have it backwards. I work at an old school hardware, and I address this question on regular basis. The slot is not for a screwdriver! It's for cutting the threads into the hole. Here is an excellent video to clarify the installation on these:

In smaller sizes, insert in the side of a mandolin fingerboard to anchor a pickguard-;as done by lLnn Dudenbostel.  i

Lots better than the commonly used pins which tend to loosen easily.  

Caveat: don't use a hole that is as small as the inner shank on thin/brittle material.  It will tend to split out the adjacent fingerboard.  make the hole just small enough to catch the threads.  Don't ask me how I know this, but super glue can be your friend.


... And watch his attached videos. Ron has many interesting ideas. Cheers. Tom

I could hug you Thomas!! Thanks so much for sharing.

Hug received! Best of luck on your projects. Happy to help. This forum a has been a wellspring for me as well.

Matt the ones I use are 1/4 20 and driven with a Allen wrench you can buy them at Home-depo. good luck Bill............

Iv'e got a bag of these made by rockler that are made out of steel. Is there a reason I shouldn't use them and look for brass instead ?


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