I was thinking of buying a left handed acoustic guitar and was curious about converting it to a right handed instrument. I would assume you would have to fill the saddle slot and recut and install a new saddle and nut. There is no pickguard on the guitar so that wouldn't be an issue. What about sound? If it was braced as a lefty would it sound wierd as a righty? Has this been done by anyone at Gryphon before? Thanks for the help and info!

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I have read that bracing patterns are the exact reverse L&R but don't know enough about the sound properties if left unchanged.For instance on an F style mando there is a bass and treble tone strut and "they" say to switch them if changing configuration. I have nothing to compare this to but somebody has more an answer.Can't wait!
Not all the acoustics are braced symmetrical. As I can remember, some old Gibsons were braced different to divide the areas where low and high frequencies were supposed to be better generated. Unfortunately I don't have direct experience on that. But you can check the inside with mirror and light and see if the bracing is symmetrical. In this case, go with the bridge/saddle/nut work.
Good luck
The guitar will sound just find just change the sadle and string and strart playing . I have exp. the braceings ether way and I have found that some times it even sounds better. Been there done that and it works. Bill.""""""""'


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