When things get a lil' slow around the shop, I can turn to a few "back-burner" projects that have been sitting in the corner too long.  I'm a bassist... electric & upright.... and always bristled at how the number of strings keeps rising.... 4-string to 5-string to 6-string to 7-string, ad nauseum.  So I'm going entirely in the other direction.  I'm thinking B-E-A.

A Warmoth blank headstock and a band saw can be a lethal combination.  Updates to be continued on an "as-done" basis, which can be mighty slow.

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Awesome. I guess I'm guilty of string inflation myself, although I'm definitely a fan of minimalism as well. Here's my guitbass, one of those backburner projects. Four string bass plus 2 string guit, fifth spot occupied by the two guit strings tuned a fifth apart for simple bar chord playing. Guitar tuners for the two guitar strings on the bottom of the headstock. Actually I'm going to go with a P-Bass body, the following picture is a failed attempt at a Vigier style body bass. Oh yeah, separate pickup for the two guit strings, dedicated output to run to a guitar amp...

Nice design, Mac! Did you run-into any problems with the scale-length of the guitar strings vs. the bass strings? Good stuff.
Technically not guitar strings I guess, two .065" bass strings for the bar chord strings...
Hi Mike - that's a good way to go - I made a 5 string bass for my daughter and that's what I used for a bridge.
keep us posted -- peace, Donald
I'm mostly a bass player myself. I sold the tele bass and went upright. I stayed with 4 but went A D G C. Didn't like it. Next I'm going B E A D and after reading this thread, when I build my own upright I just might lose the D as well. Thanks.


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