Jeffrey D Brown
  • Male
  • Huntington Beach, CA USA and the Universe
  • United States
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Jeffrey D Brown's Friends

  • Robert Sherman
  • Jeff Perkins
  • Jimmy Burgess
  • Alexander Allgood
  • Andy Mather
  • Maurizio Cuzzolin
  • Deerbridge Guitars
  • Dan Smocke
  • Arthur Sweeney
  • Dan Pennington
  • Danny Shoemaker
  • Vic Farrell
  • Walter Weimer
  • Craig Denney
  • Billy Etheridge

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Jeffrey D Brown's Blog

New Wall for Peter Hopkins Guitars

I'm happy to announce that we've just completed a new Big Guitar Wall for the well-known and renowned archtop builder, Peter Hopkins. Here's a peek a the new Hopkins Guitar Wall located at

We've also just added the Great Wall of Walls where you can see over…


Posted on December 22, 2010 at 10:27pm

McConnell Guitars on Boutique Guitar Builders Wall 2

I'm happy to announce that Jordan McConnell of McConnell Guitars acquired two blocks on the new Boutique Builders Wall 2 to complete the top row...

The new Boutique Builders Wall 2 is the sequel to the very successful…

Posted on August 7, 2010 at 10:30am

The Guitar Wall adds 30th Wall

The Guitar Wall has just added it 30th wall... the Artisans Wall 2.

The original Artisans Wall sold out in July, 2008 in less than a month. A year and half later we decided to add the sequel. It's a limited-edition wall comprised of 18 exclusive, numbered wall spaces showcasing hiqh-end craftsmanship in the guitar world with the… Continue

Posted on January 19, 2010 at 11:14pm

New! Luthiers Wall 2 (exclusive)

With the Luthiers Wall 1 sold out... and previous walls (Artisans, Boutique Builders, Original Custom) sold out... we've decided to make one more general builders wall available...


• EXCLUSIVE: Only 40 blocks available

• Huge 250-pixel square blocks (62,500 pixels)

• Each block includes 16 Front Wall blocks at no cost

• First come, first served for top positions at… Continue

Posted on July 14, 2009 at 9:48am

New Walls on The Guitar Wall

There are quite a few new walls (29 now) on The Guitar Wall... if you have a few minutes (or a lot more), I encourage you to explore... and possibly acquire your own permanent space if appropriate... check out...

The 800 Faces of Guitar

We're giving away 800 wall spaces to players and folks in the business... get your free space today.…


Posted on February 21, 2009 at 7:30pm

Comment Wall (10 comments)

At 3:22pm on November 16, 2008, Jerry Mercer said…

I haven't figured out how to accept your invitation, but would be glad to. I'll try adding you, but it seems the email address is not functional as its noted in the message sent to me.

At 5:10pm on November 16, 2008, Marc Prave said…

Glad to be here. Man, you are everywhere...

At 6:22pm on November 16, 2008, Doug Collins said…
Hi Jeffery,

I have accepted your invitation to be a friend, but I must confess I don't fully understand the nature of this friendship. Anyway, nice to meet you. I like your wall idea. I have a similar idea for my website that I haven't quite got into full operation. The difference is, I am offering only 25 pixels of space.
The problem is the Flash file is just two large in its present form, so it functions far too slow. I abandoned it for the time being. It is really meant only as a joke, rather than legitimate advertising.

Good luck with your project.

Doug Collins
At 9:19pm on November 16, 2008, Penql said…
Hello from the ceiling! What scoundrel stole the cork out of my lunch?
At 7:31am on November 17, 2008, Paul Breen said…
Hi Jeffry,

Yes, the super sized bass plugs in and plays. It was build by John Grey while he resided in central Illinois, he has since relocated to Northern Wisconsin. It was built as a gimmick for the band Captain Rat And The Blind Rivets. Commissioned by Mark Rubal of Pogo Studio who is founder and bass player in the band. I had it on display in my shop with a vintage instrument exhibit I do on occasion. It's a real conversation piece!
At 11:14am on November 17, 2008, Tyko Runesson said…
Yes, it is a new nice place in the cyberspace. I try to sneak in here little now and then too. Always nice and inspiring!
At 4:36pm on November 18, 2008, Deni Irawan said…
Hallo Jeffrey.
Thanks for the invitation, its great idea.

At 2:55pm on November 19, 2008, Robert Mac Millan said…
Hi Jeff, Just like to say G,Day from Tasmania an Island state of Australia.
& thanks for the invitation.
At 12:37am on December 6, 2010, Deerbridge Guitars said…
Hey Jeffrey, thanks a lot ! Martin
At 5:49am on December 6, 2010, Maurizio Cuzzolin said…
Thank you Jeffrey for the invitation!
By by fro Italy

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