Hi All,

Anyone ever see these hugely oversized pots before??  You can't really tell from the pic, but they have a diameter of about 1.5".  There is a soldered "seem" on each pot and light burn marks on the treble side f-hole binding.  These huge things were put through the f-holes and soldered together inside the guitar. 

This is a japanese epiphone sheraton if anyone was curious...

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Hi Jon.

I've seen these for decades. Although unusual in a guitar, they were quite common in electronic test instruments and transmission and receiving units, especially MIL-Spec equipment.  They aren't rare or unusual. 

Hopefully, they don't need replacing. If they do, just use the ever popular 25mm (1") pots common to most guitars. :)

Hi Paul,

I guess I've seen plenty of large pots too - I meant in a guitar.  Could these be original??  Or did someone do some repair with leftover arcade game parts here?  Either way it seems like a lot of trouble when normal sized pots are so readily available.

Customer wants to add two push pulls this week.  Fun for me!

Hi John

I think these are actually shielding cans that encase the pot.  


Thanks Rusty!  I wondered if these might be to help with shielding because the actual solder joints are inside the casing.  Any idea if these were original? 


I can't say if they're original. If all 4 pots are the same, my guess is that they're stock. Like you implied... why would anyone replace all 4 given the 'misery' involved?. 

Since the mid-70's, I've been amazed by the genesis of MIJ electric gtr circuits. Some of the factory control setups contained some "odd" stuff.  Some have contained components & work that put their US counterparts in the shade.

Fugi-Gen made the Epi's in Japan. I've noticed the instruments coming from that manufacturer usually have good quality components. 

In any case and for your sake, let's hope they all work well :)

Thanks for jogging my memory, Rusty. :)

Not sure about Japanese Epis, but I've encountered the output jack-in-a-can in original '70s Gibson Les Pauls.

Really complicates servicing the jack as they don't always readily come apart.

I assumed this was done for shielding purposes along with the metal shell over the pots that appears on the same guitars.

Hi Scott.

Those can jacks are still available from Switchcraft, but are overkill in a practical guitar application. The jack assembly itself is welded to, or otherwise an integral part of the top of the can. If you want to repair one, you have to drill out the existing jack assembly. I replace them with the very appropriate "naked" open frame Switchcraft jacks.

Here's a tip for re-purposing them: If you plug each end of the can, however, they make GREAT stash cans. Y'know.. for small parts & screws & stuff ;)

What I find 'amusing' about Gibson using them during the 70's is the fact that they upgraded the jacks from the plastic Switchcraft jacks used in the '60's and began using a brass form fitted shield in the control cavity BUT then installed the worse quality pots & pickups in their history. Switchcraft must've given them one heck of a deal on 'em.  :)

There is something comforting about hooking up CTS to Switchcraft via Sprague and thick plated pushback wire using a big ass 40 watt iron.  You just know that this will work and keep working.


Especially if the wire is from Gavitt and the solder is Kester 63/37 :) 'Tis paradise :)

Wow, talk about coincidence.

Just got a '79 L5 on the bench today with the jack and 3 of 4 pots in cans, looks like one pot's been replaced.

Luckily, spray-cleaning cleared up the minor scratchiness.

Dodged that bullet!

Lucky for you!  This one is in the shop now ready for new pickups and push pull pots.  Fun day tomorrow.  Every time I think about opening up those cans to get those pots out I can't help but think about the game "operation" :) Might be good practice! ha ha


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