
I would like to modify my Rickenbacker 620/12, making the "fifth" knob a master volume control, rather than the factory spec "mixer" (tone balance) control.  The guitar has had no modifications to the wiring since new, so is, as it comes from the factory. The 620/12 has two (1 x Mono + 1 x "Ric-O-Sound" stereo) outputs; I only ever use the Mono.

As I am quite competent with small guitar adjustments and quite adept with a soldering iron, I am sure it is a job I could (and would like to) tackle myself, but I am unsure of the connections to make in order to modify, and the schematic wiring diagrams available from Ric are a bit of a mystery to me; (I am a player, not a technician)!

Would anyone be kind enough to help me with this simple (I am told) modification, possibly with a foolproof description and a simple to follow diagram (or photo).

Many Thanks..................Brian

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Hi Brian.

Does this block diagram describe your idea?  If so, I can do a "formal schematic".

Please note that the diagram does not address the Ric-O-Sound stereo output since you say you only use the mono out. FYI: I've NEVER met a Ric owner that used the stereo output.  This diagram is for mono ONLY.

Let me know if I'm on the right track and, if so, I'll get you a 'true' schematic.

Take care,


Yes Paul, and thank you so much for taking a look.

As you say, that about sums up perfectly the mod I would like to make. On the actual guitar, the stereo socket is still wired in as factory setup; does this mean I would have to abandon the stereo option completely or would it still be "available" if required at any time in the future? (Very unlikely, but one never knows.........never say never)!

It is very late here in the UK, and it's been a long and hectic day and I'm falling asleep, so please forgive me if I don't respond by return; I'll take another look at the thread tomorrow.

No hurry, Brian. :)

In the described arrangement, the stereo option will be completely eliminated.

If you can live without the option, I'll gladly draw you a proper schematic.

Just a bit more on the Ric-O-Sound arrangement: It was a "marketing gimmick" in the early '60's. It was also almost NEVER used by the folks who love the characteristic Ric jangle as it required carrying 2 amps AND provided no useful advantage, just a 'gear management headache' in live situations.

One more bit of Ric 12 string trivia: To nail the "Byrds classic 12 string sound", the session engineer had to run Roger McGuinn's Ric 12 string through TWO compressors in series, in order to achieve the desired 'sustain' the artist wanted. If you're hunting for that sound, investing in a Jangle Box 2 will end your search.

I hope some of that info is helpful.

Get rested up & I'm looking forward to your response.

Cheers, Paul :)

Right Paul....up with the lark and ready to go!! :)

I am quite happy with the sound I get from my Ric.; I go through an optical compressor and get all the "jangle" I need :) but a master volume would be so much more useful than the "gimmicky" mixer control and on reflection, I think it would be worth sacrificing the Stereo output option.

If you could help with a simple wiring diagram it would be VERY greatly appreciated.



I found this on the Rickenbacker site Paul, I presume this is the current layout.

Thanks, Brian.

I'm 'booked' for 2 days but I'll get it drawn on Thursday.  Is that soon enough?

Have a great week :)

Brian and Paul , I think the use of a stereo pot connected after the individual volume pots , would enable strereo or mono , I would try a 500K stereo pot and take the outputs of the vol pots (the end thats not grounded) to the hot sides of the stero pot , the other end terminals grounded , the wipers ( middle terminals) would go to the jacks as original .Sorry I dont know how to draw a diagram on here , also I cant remember how much room you have under the pickguard for a stacked pot ?

Hi Len, thank you for taking a look.

First of all let me explain that, if I seem a bit dim, as an acoustic player for the last thirty odd years, electric guitar cabling is like a whole new foreign language to me!

I sort of understand what you're saying and it seems to make sense but wether or not your suggestion is in my capabilities is another matter.

I understood from various forum sources that this mod is a common one and is only a matter of "shifting" a few connections, but as I said on my OP, I cannot find any diagrams or descriptions to back this up!

The Ric 620 has a very thin body and from first impressions, I would think it unlikely that it would take anything deeper than a "normal" pot.

I think, before I consider replacing parts, I shall wait on Pauls suggestion and at the same time, wait and see if anyone might offer a modification to the schematic diagram I posted above.

Meanwhile, I shall also continue to try and gain any additional information I can, from the seemingly elusive sources of people who have carried out this "common mod".

To you and Paul, thanks for your help & interest, it really is appreciated!

Len, is there a difference between stereo pots and blend pots?

Both blend pots and stereo pots are two pots joined together on a common shaft. The two pots in a stereo pot work in the same direction, so the two pots are on or of at the same time. In a blend pot, the two pots work in opposite directions, so when one is on the other is off.

Think of the volume and balance controls on your stereo receiver or amplifier. The volume control turns both sides down and the balance control (oddly ebough) controls the balance between the two sides.

I know I neither look nor sound like Len.

Also, a blend pot usually replaces a 3 way switch in normal wiring circuits.

A GOOD blend pot has a center detent to indicate "both pups on full".

I've played with blend pots but you lose "a certain something" with them.  YMMV.

Thanks again, Josh for pointing out the deficiencies in the diagram I posted.

To ALL reading this: Please submit you suggestions. I make no claim to be an expert on wiring mod's.  Anyone's/Everyone's help is MUCH appreciated.

Thanks again :)

Could you draw that up sometime, Len?

Good suggestion.


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