i have a hofner flattop and a tennessee archtop any info on these

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Look for model numbers and serial numbers on (or inside) the instruments along with a serial number and then use this info in a web search.
Pictures are helpful.... maybe a few shots of each? Some serial numbers and model numbers might generate a response or two. We all love a mystery:)
Here's a site with a lot of good Hofner info: A short story about Hofners: I swapped a flat top 6 string for a '59 Hofner Senator back in '77 in London. In '83 I foolishly sold it, and from all the guitars I've ever owned (a LOT), it's the only guitar that I've regretted selling. 27 years later I'm still biting myself in the ass for selling it...As a small consolation I bought a shop demo Godin 5th Avenue last week, similar to the Hofner (arch-top acoustic), but not as old (yet)
Let us know how you get on, and post some pics up, they're worth more that a thousand words!



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