For a custom built dreadnaught with bolt-on mortis and tenon, the neck hand shaped from a blank -- can a stock replacement neck be adapted to match the existing neck block?  The neck is off the body at this time ready for a new set, and ready for a new fingerboard.  A wider neck with lower profile is wanted.


Thanks to all who read this on another topic, and the one reply.  Hope this follows protocol to get more advise.



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Yes and like a professional charging by the hour, you appear to enjoy the diatribe and useless questions rather than a simple answer to:  Can a handmade guitar get a new neck from a luthier (not the maker) without a new neck block?  

And your language stinks.  And flying off the handle is not the phrase for my response, but for your follow-up, to your type of entry which said save our time, and gave endless questions on the customer's impetus and why this and why that.

What is the corporate we?  Verticchio asked a half dozen questions not needed for a simple query whether the guitar needs opened and a new block.  It doesn't involve why a customer buys a less than perfect guitar.  Maybe as a bargain, would you make a guess and be satisfied?

No digital camera here.  The mortis is not a smooth machined fit.

What is helpful is the answer today by personal mail from a repair shop that a match can be made in some cases without a new block.

If those of you who have answered like crackpot cranks care to list your shop affiliation, you will not get a query in my nationwide web search for opinion and shipping to examine.

And for those who gave helpful replies, many thanks.


'Verticchio asked a half dozen questions not needed for a simple query whether the guitar needs opened and a new block."


This is a FORUM.  Questions and answers are the norm.  So are digressions and side conversations.  It's all in an effort to exchange information & answer to the question.  Guitar repair is a holistic procedure so all kinds of information is requested and evaluated.

You came begging, as a player, for an answer.  You sought OUR help, not the other way around.

When members asked you for more information, you acted like a spoiled child.  Let me guess, you bought this guitar for way more than it's worth, it's not a good playing instrument, you're dissatisfied, you can't unload it to your friends because it's a dog, so you're trying to "get it right" by seeking the FREE advice of a professional group.  While immersed in the "technical aspects" of the task, you find yourself way over your head so you go on the offense. You know, like telling a certified mechanic how to fix your car.

We regularly discuss "the difficult customer" on this forum.  If you search the archives, you will find characters like yourself oft discussed to ad nauseum.

In a prior post, you said the builder will not reply to your queries.  I think I know "why".

Here's the real deal: It's YOU who sought our expertise and counsel, not the other way around. A modicum of humility would have gone a long way toward getting your issue resolved.

It's only my personal opinion, but I consider you an unwelcome participant on this forum.

"If those of you who have answered like crackpot cranks care to list your shop affiliation, you will not get a query in my nationwide web search for opinion and shipping to examine."

So, you're "mining" info to benefit yourself?  How devious.  BTW: Angie beat you to it.

Just go away.

To my colleagues, pardon my 'non-professional' reply, but this guy is a real piece of work.

Your behavior has been very professional throughout Paul, as always. This guys not worth your efforts. Dagdred ( are you hiding from someone? ) epoxy can hold any neck joint together regardless of fit and your guitar appears quite worthy of such a repair, so stick whatever neck you want on that thing.

Buy the most expensive neck you can find. You will love it.

  Is it possible to fit a new neck to an old block. Yes, IF...... and that's where it all breaks down.

  You started out asking about replacing a neck but have become fixated on the neck block. Maybe you don't understand that this is not really the same question as the one you asked about changing the neck. IF it's in reasonable shape there is no reason that it needs to be replaced BUT no one here can tell what shape it is in. Is there some reason other than fitting a new neck that makes you think the block might need to be replaced? Is it damaged, out of place, too small?

  IF you were a one of my friends presenting me with this guitar for evaluation, I would tell you to put the guitar back together and sell it to someone that is looking for a narrow neck then purchase guitar more to your liking.

  You are obviously unhappy with the very good answers you have received so why not just take it to a professional repairman in your area and tell them what you want to hear.  

I support Paul but have decided to tune my finely made instrument(a 1955D28) to DAGDRED but just realized I don't know how to find R...and this is a six string D28 as I stated...BTWIMO looks like the best part of that HOS IZ the neck!!!BWAHAHAHAHA>>>lol for my own piece of mind I read very little of the above so I could make a gut decision.


I see the are probably using a chromatic tuner.You need an alphabetic tuner to get the R note.


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